Waluk: The Great Journey Published by: Magnetic PressCreated by: Ana Miralles / Emilio RuizISBN: 9781951719050Ages: 10+ Review Waluk is a young polar bear, learning his way through his icy, Artic home with the help of an older bear named Eskimo. When we meet them they are searching for food, primarily seals, but are finding it…
Category: Lesson Plans

Noe’s Comics Nook: Crude
Crude: A Memoir Published by: Graphic MundiCreated by: Pablo Fajardo / Sophie Tardy-Joubert / Damien RoudeauISBN: 9780271088068Ages: 15+ Review In Crude we learn about Pablo Fajardo’s more than 25 year fight against Chevron (formally Texaco) and others for the environmental, cultural, and human destruction caused by oil drilling in Ecuador, primarily done on Indigenous land…

George Takei Talks ‘They Called Us Enemy’
George Takei is probably best known for his role as Lt. Hikaru Sulu on the classic 1960s science fiction TV series, Star Trek and its many feature film sequels. Since then, he has gone on to become an iconic pop culture figure, advocating for LGBTQ rights and cultivating his trademark exclamation of “Oh, My” into…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Teaching Artfully
Teaching Artfully Published by: Clover PressCreated by: Meghan ParkerISBN: 9781951038205Ages: 13+ Review Teaching Artfully, Meghan Parker’s Master of Arts thesis turned into published work, is a little different from the comics usually reviewed here, in that it is unlikely you’d assign this full comic to students in a K-12 environment. The more likely audience for…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Inkblot
Inkblot Volume 1 Published by: Image ComicsCreated by: Emma Kubert / Rusty GladdISBN: 9781534318243Ages: 15+ Review From the beginning, Inkblot strikes you with a certain nostalgic air of fantasy comics from times past – Sandman and Elfquest come to mind – but that is only the beginning of an adventure across the seven realms, and,…

Lesson Plan: Bloom
Bloom Published by: First SecondWritten by: Kevin PanettaIllustrated by: Savanna GanucheauFormat: HC, 368 pages, $24.99ISBN: 9781250196910Ages: 14+ Review Bloom, a young adult graphic novel which centers on the story of Ari, a young man who faces significant changes in his life as he approaches adulthood. Changes such as deciding what to do after high school—whether…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Stay
Stay Published by: Magnetic Press Created by: Lewis Trondheim / Hubert Chevillard ISBN: 9781549307713 Ages: 16+ Review Stay is a story about grief and the different ways we all process it – but you’d probably never guess that from the comic’s cover description or coloring. When we first meet Fabienne, she is with her partner…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Department of Truth
The Department of Truth, Vol. 1: The End of the World Published by: Image Comics Created by: James Tynion IV / Martin Simmonds / Aditya Bidikar ISBN: 9781534318335 Ages: 17+ Review The world is secretly run by reptilian overloads. The world is actually flat. The moon landing was faked. Vaccines cause autism. 5G is mind…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Pride & Prejudice New Edition
Pride & Prejudice New Edition Published by: Manga ClassicsCreated by: Jane Austen / Po Tse / Stacy KingISBN: 9781947808980Ages: 13+ Review Often in our attempts to justify comics, we tell people that fostering someone’s love of comics is a “gateway” to reading more traditional books – something by Jane Austen perhaps. While I’m not a great…

Noe’s Comics Nook: Prince of Cats
Prince of Cats Published by: Image ComicsCreated by: Ronald WimberlyISBN: 9781534312074Ages: 17+ Review While Romeo and Juliet is far from my favorite play (how could it be when Taming of the Shrew exists), it begs to be adapted in all manner of ways to match the tone and conversations of the time. With so many…